

Project goal:

-Cultural activism of young people and integration of members of national minorities among the child population in cultural activities in the district.

– Cooperation and connection of educational institutions at the District level.

– The project brings together 11 partners that are preschool institutions and elementary schools in the territory of Pirot district.

Brief description of the project:

– Designing performances for children and realization of drama workshops with the help of a special manual created for the purpose of the project, and with the professional help of professor ATVSS, Department Pirot.

– The end result of the project are plays (at least one for each partner) designed and realized with children from preschool institutions and students of the majority and minority population that will compete in the final phase of the project, which is the festival of children’s drama in May 2024.

– We expect that in the coming years the festival will attract attention and gather more participants both from the country and abroad and grow into a cultural manifestation of the City of Pirot and the Academy that would be held biennially.

– Our idea is to include the festival in the annual school plan, the activity plan of city and municipal authorities.

– The festival is financed by the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria with 85% and ATVSS Niš with 15%.

– Support and assistance in the implementation of the project: the City of Pirot